Just Friends Social Group
Ipswich, Queensland
Our membership straddles the border of Ipswich and Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.
For further information phone Ken on 3389 2950 (leave a message if requested); or email him at kcurwen@optusnet.com.au.
Our Next Trips
Sunday 25th August
Coach trip to Bli Bli Castle and Buderim Ginger Factory
Look around the walls of the castle – which for safety reasons is closed for attractions – then go to the Buderim Ginger Factory where you can buy lunch and also visit the Nut Factory across the road. Cost including entries $50. Pickup 8.00 Redbank Plaza, 8.20 Biota Street Inala.
Sunday 29th September
Coach Trip to Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers
A week after the actual event we visit winning Gardens, and view the flowers in Queens Park. A lunch at the Grand Old Crow Hotel is followed by a visit to the Japanese garden before returning home. Cost including lunch $60. Pickup Biota Street Inala 8.00am, Redbank Plaza 8.20am
Weekend Activities
All lunches meet at 12 noon
Sunday 1st September
Lunch at Falvey’s Cecil Hotel. Lunches from $15
Sunday 15th September
Lunch at Burger Urge, Redbank Plains Town Centre. Speciality burgers from $17
Sunday 22nd September
Lunch at Parkview Club, Goodna. Seniors’ members’ lunches $15.
The next Planning Meeting and Afternoon Tea will be on Saturday 7th September at 19 Ipswich St. Riverview; meet at 3pm (please bring a plate of food).
These meetings usually last about half an hour, then stay as long as you like for refreshments.
Anyone booking for travel on one of our trips is considered to be a group member. The convenor will request your contact details so that you can be notified of any changes to the plans. You may resign by notifying the convenor; and your contact details will be purged if you have not contacted us in two years.
The annual membership fee of $5 is due at the beginning of the financial year (July) but may be waived for all members if the Group finances allow.
Just Friends Social Group is informal, has no constitution and is run as a not-for-profit organisation. Members who attend the monthly meetings will have input into future plans for trips and lunches, and any other matters of concern to the membership.
History of Just Friends
Just Friends Social Group was inaugurated in the year 2000, initially meeting for lunch etc. and car pooling to various venues. By 2002 the group had grown enough to run coach trips. The pattern of coach trips on the last Sunday of each month, and of lunches on the other Sundays, was well established from 2005 on.
The inaugural coordinator was Margaret; however, by late 2003 the reins had been passed to Don, who ran the group until he was forced to resign early in 2019 due to ill health. Ken has been running the group since then.
The record of all our coach trips may be read here.
(C) Ken Curwen 2022-4; updated 18/8/24